Source code for pluginmanager.file_manager

from pluginmanager import util

[docs]class FileManager(object): """ `FileManager` manages the file filter state and is responible for collecting filepaths from a set of directories and filtering the files through the filters. Without file filters, this class acts as a passthrough, collecting and returning every file in a given directory. `FileManager` can also optionally manage the plugin filepath state through the use of the add/get/set plugin filepaths methods. Note that plugin interface is not automatically set up this way, although it is relatively trivial to do. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_filters=None, plugin_filepaths=None, blacklisted_filepaths=None): """ `FileFilters` are callable filters. Each filter must take in a set of filepaths and return back a set of filepaths. Each filter is applied independently to the set of filepaths and added to the return set. `FileFilters` can be a single object or an iterable `plugin_filepaths` are known plugin filepaths that can be stored in `FileManager`. Note that filepaths stored in the plugin filepaths are NOT automatically added when calling the `collect_filepaths` method. Recommend using absolute paths. `plugin_filepaths` can be a single object or an interable. `blacklisted_filepaths` are plugin filepaths that are not to be included in the collected filepaths. Recommend using absolute paths. `blacklisted_filepaths` can be a single object or an iterable. """ if file_filters is None: file_filters = [] if plugin_filepaths is None: plugin_filepaths = set() if blacklisted_filepaths is None: blacklisted_filepaths = set() self.file_filters = util.return_list(file_filters) # pep8 to_abs_paths = util.to_absolute_paths self.plugin_filepaths = to_abs_paths(plugin_filepaths) self.blacklisted_filepaths = to_abs_paths(blacklisted_filepaths)
[docs] def collect_filepaths(self, directories): """ Collects and returns every filepath from each directory in `directories` that is filtered through the `file_filters`. If no `file_filters` are present, passes every file in directory as a result. Always returns a `set` object `directories` can be a object or an iterable. Recommend using absolute paths. """ plugin_filepaths = set() directories = util.to_absolute_paths(directories) for directory in directories: filepaths = util.get_filepaths_from_dir(directory) filepaths = self._filter_filepaths(filepaths) plugin_filepaths.update(set(filepaths)) plugin_filepaths = self._remove_blacklisted(plugin_filepaths) return plugin_filepaths
[docs] def add_plugin_filepaths(self, filepaths, except_blacklisted=True): """ Adds `filepaths` to the `self.plugin_filepaths`. Recommend passing in absolute filepaths. Method will attempt to convert to absolute paths if they are not already. `filepaths` can be a single object or an iterable If `except_blacklisted` is `True`, all `filepaths` that have been blacklisted will not be added. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) if except_blacklisted: filepaths = util.remove_from_set(filepaths, self.blacklisted_filepaths) self.plugin_filepaths.update(filepaths)
[docs] def set_plugin_filepaths(self, filepaths, except_blacklisted=True): """ Sets `filepaths` to the `self.plugin_filepaths`. Recommend passing in absolute filepaths. Method will attempt to convert to absolute paths if they are not already. `filepaths` can be a single object or an iterable. If `except_blacklisted` is `True`, all `filepaths` that have been blacklisted will not be set. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) if except_blacklisted: filepaths = util.remove_from_set(filepaths, self.blacklisted_filepaths) self.plugin_filepaths = filepaths
[docs] def remove_plugin_filepaths(self, filepaths): """ Removes `filepaths` from `self.plugin_filepaths`. Recommend passing in absolute filepaths. Method will attempt to convert to absolute paths if not passed in. `filepaths` can be a single object or an iterable. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) self.plugin_filepaths = util.remove_from_set(self.plugin_filepaths, filepaths)
[docs] def get_plugin_filepaths(self): """ returns the plugin filepaths tracked internally as a `set` object. """ return self.plugin_filepaths
[docs] def set_file_filters(self, file_filters): """ Sets internal file filters to `file_filters` by tossing old state. `file_filters` can be single object or iterable. """ file_filters = util.return_list(file_filters) self.file_filters = file_filters
[docs] def add_file_filters(self, file_filters): """ Adds `file_filters` to the internal file filters. `file_filters` can be single object or iterable. """ file_filters = util.return_list(file_filters) self.file_filters.extend(file_filters)
[docs] def remove_file_filters(self, file_filters): """ Removes the `file_filters` from the internal state. `file_filters` can be a single object or an iterable. """ self.file_filters = util.remove_from_list(self.file_filters, file_filters)
[docs] def get_file_filters(self, filter_function=None): """ Gets the file filters. `filter_function`, can be a user defined filter. Should be callable and return a list. """ if filter_function is None: return self.file_filters else: return filter_function(self.file_filters)
[docs] def add_blacklisted_filepaths(self, filepaths, remove_from_stored=True): """ Add `filepaths` to blacklisted filepaths. If `remove_from_stored` is `True`, any `filepaths` in `plugin_filepaths` will be automatically removed. Recommend passing in absolute filepaths but method will attempt to convert to absolute filepaths based on current working directory. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) self.blacklisted_filepaths.update(filepaths) if remove_from_stored: self.plugin_filepaths = util.remove_from_set(self.plugin_filepaths, filepaths)
[docs] def set_blacklisted_filepaths(self, filepaths, remove_from_stored=True): """ Sets internal blacklisted filepaths to filepaths. If `remove_from_stored` is `True`, any `filepaths` in `self.plugin_filepaths` will be automatically removed. Recommend passing in absolute filepaths but method will attempt to convert to absolute filepaths based on current working directory. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) self.blacklisted_filepaths = filepaths if remove_from_stored: self.plugin_filepaths = util.remove_from_set(self.plugin_filepaths, filepaths)
[docs] def remove_blacklisted_filepaths(self, filepaths): """ Removes `filepaths` from blacklisted filepaths Recommend passing in absolute filepaths but method will attempt to convert to absolute filepaths based on current working directory. """ filepaths = util.to_absolute_paths(filepaths) black_paths = self.blacklisted_filepaths black_paths = util.remove_from_set(black_paths, filepaths)
[docs] def get_blacklisted_filepaths(self): """ Returns the blacklisted filepaths as a set object. """ return self.blacklisted_filepaths
def _remove_blacklisted(self, filepaths): """ internal helper method to remove the blacklisted filepaths from `filepaths`. """ filepaths = util.remove_from_set(filepaths, self.blacklisted_filepaths) return filepaths def _filter_filepaths(self, filepaths): """ helps iterate through all the file parsers each filter is applied individually to the same set of `filepaths` """ if self.file_filters: plugin_filepaths = set() for file_filter in self.file_filters: plugin_paths = file_filter(filepaths) plugin_filepaths.update(plugin_paths) else: plugin_filepaths = filepaths return plugin_filepaths